Grokall Infinity

Pinkie @PinkShark
2018-03-27 19:40:10
Sure hope they defund Planned Parenthood, this is taking things too far. What is up with the red outfits? Like Hitler, the article supports killing of a baby of an abnormality is evident. #PlannedParenthood #abortionkills #AbortionMills #Abortion #ProLife

Via: Daily Wire

Planned Parenthood: We Need A Disney Princess Who's Had An Abortion
When the lovely folks over at taxpayer-funded abortion mill Planned Parenthood aren't snuffing out life and haggling over prices of body parts for the lucrative business, they get "woke" on social media.
Number views: 991

Pinkie @PinkShark
2016-12-29 05:12:51
Mother miscarriages tiny baby girl but not a "mass of tissue." Sad but powerful. #abortionkills #abortion #lifeatconception

Via: Live Action News

Mother's powerful photos of baby miscarried at 16 weeks shows humanity of preborn children
Miscarried at 16 weeks, Ester Garcia shares photos of her baby so that the world can see that she was a real human being, not a clump of cells.
Number views: 737

Pinkie @PinkShark
2016-12-15 18:07:01
Whoopi Goldberg: Right to Celebrate Christmas Is ‘Same’ as Right to Abortion #Christmas #WhoopiGoldberg #abortionkills

Via: Breitbart

Whoopi Goldberg: Celebrating Christmas Same as Right to Abortion
View co-host Whoopi Goldberg has compared the right to observe the feast of Christmas with a woman’s purported right to have an abortion.
Number views: 481
Bubba @bubba
2016-12-15 21:54:04
She is as nutty as a squirrel, well, you know.
Number views: 424
Pinkie @PinkShark
2016-12-16 23:26:52
Number views: 463