Grokall Infinity

Bubba @bubba
2022-03-21 16:18:47

Number views: 6

Pinkie @PinkShark
2018-03-20 02:25:26
Jim Carrey, nice attempt to become relevant again with your portraits. (Last hit 22014) Ironically, the portrait looks like #JimCarrey not Sanders. Sarah Huckabee Sanders does an incredible job as Press Secretary, hands down the best. (#Liberals think Carrey is a modern day #Kaufman :-)

Via: Breitbart

Jim Carrey Attacks ‘So-Called Christian’ Sarah Huckabee Sanders with Grotesque Portrait
Actor Jim Carrey targeted what appears to be White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders with lewd artwork of her likeness in a tweet slamming her as a 'so-called Christian' who lies for a living.
Number views: 554