Grokall Infinity

Simply Amazing @amazing
2016-05-08 21:56:23
Trump vows to raise minimum wage. Thus taking issue out of Clinton's hand. Brilliant! #NeverNeverTrump
Number views: 94
ToTheRight @ToTheLeft
2016-06-13 07:52:31
Yes, that is so intelligent. Did the mogul say how much. What? I don't he did!
Number views: 90

Bubba @bubba
2016-05-08 16:37:11
I am on the #NeverNeverTrump bandwagon.
Number views: 83

Simply Amazing @amazing
2016-05-08 16:22:57
#NeverTrump is trending recently. Well I am here to say I'm an #NeverNeverTrump kinda guy1
Number views: 213