Grokall Infinity

Pinkie @PinkShark
2018-10-31 12:48:03
Talking about words matter...nothing here but hate from #lindasarsour #votered

Via: WND

Sarsour calls for people to stop ‘humanizing’ Jews - WND
(DailyWire) Far-left Islamic activist Linda Sarsour made strong anti-Semitic remarks during a speech this month at the annual Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) convention in Houston, Texas — calling for the dehumanization of Israelis. The Algemeiner reported that Sarsour shamed Muslims for not being more politically active and said that if Muslims are not […]
Number views: 253

Pinkie @PinkShark
2018-10-23 20:43:31
Make sure this continues...don’t skip voting! Every vote counts!!! #votered #VOTERED2018 #midtermelections

Via: Fox News

GOP shows new strength in early voting, as midterm fight for control tightens
Early voting numbers from several key battleground states now show Republican voters turning out in far greater numbers than Democratic ones, signaling an almost across-the-board GOP surge that is dulling the prospects of a so-called "blue wave" on Nov. 6.
Number views: 396