Grokall Infinity

Pinkie @PinkShark
2018-03-25 13:21:07
Former Sen. (R)Rick Santorum said kids to learn CRP in a crisis situation. Bet that went over well! I agree it's a start. Perhaps schools should have a hidden "bat-phone" if cells are taken, Medical supplies in each classroom/school to aid if a person is shot #MassShootings #Parkland #2A

Via: TheHill

Santorum suggests student activists learn CPR instead of protesting for gun control
Former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) suggested on Sunday that students should take CPR classes and prepare for active shooter situations instead of holding protests calling for new gun laws.
Number views: 1049
Political Possum @politicalpossum
2018-03-25 21:47:11
I like the idea of throwing big rocks out of a bucket at an attacker.
Number views: 8328
Pinkie @PinkShark
2018-03-27 19:25:40
People were stoned to death in the Bible, not pleasant and they died. Great idea.
Number views: 1011